We’d like your help. And this is simple – should take 5 minutes – and with a great return on investment.
1. decide on your favorite Medelita garment
2. wear it to work
3. find a well-lit spot without a ton of background noise
4. ask someone to take a video with your iPhone (or similar)
5. introduce yourself (name & title) in beginning of video
6. state what you are wearing
7. then say what you’d like to say – see below for ideas/topics
8. send it to angela@medelita.com OR post it on our FB page
9. if we select your video for our web site, you get a lab coat or scrub set + embroidery – FREE
We have quite a few videos scattered throughout our site currently, all taken at medical and dental conferences. As we’ve grown, those opportunities (to pull out our video camera at a conference) have become nearly impossible, as we are (gratefully) too busy at the booth. We know that testimonials from colleagues wearing Medelita garments are extremely helpful to those new to our brand, and new to the quality, functionality and performance of Medelita. We’d love to share more of what you have to say.
The video should be no longer than 30 seconds and shot in a landscape (horizontal) frame. Make sure the lighting is bright and we can hear/understand what you are saying. Simply tell us about anything you’d like related to your favorite Medelita lab coat or scrubs. Your first impression. How it compares to traditional lab coats/scrubs that you’ve owned. What makes them unique. Feedback you hear from colleagues/patients. How you feel wearing it. Durability experiences. Spill experiences (blood, coffee, etc.). It’s your choice what to send us. We will choose videos based on sincerity, interest, honesty and what we think your colleagues might be most intrigued to hear. Medelita garments are still a very new concept to most, and best explained clinician to clinician.
If we choose to include your video on our web site (www.medelita.com), we will be happy to send you either the garment that you wore in the video, or another of your choice – as a COMPLIMENTARY gift of appreciation, including free name & title embroidery. The contest ends May 31st, so please submit your video soon either by posting it on our Facebook page OR emailing it directly to angela@medelita.com.
Other important items of mention: you can enter as many times as you would like. We might choose more than one entry that a single person submits – in that case they would receive one free garment for every video incorporated into our web site. If you have a case for a tremendous group effort or group video – everyone receives a free garment (if selected). There is no limit to how many videos we may choose. Please be tasteful in your submissions. If quantities are limited in certain garments, you may need to choose another.
Questions? Please email angela@medelita.com