In the spirit of making continual changes for the better, based on customer/colleague feedback, we've made another one. Free shipping on orders over $100. Lab coats. Scrub sets. Clogs. Any combination of items in your cart over $100 – it's now an automatic feature of our website.
We're committed to making our quality lab coats and scrubs as easy to order as possible. We're always available during business hours to answer your calls and assist with the ordering process, but we wanted to go an extra step to make our online ordering process much simpler.
As a service to our customers, all orders over $100 (before taxes, coupons, gift certificates, or store credit) will now receive free ground shipping for any location within the U.S. No shipping decisions to make and no extra charges . . . just quick and easy ordering, so you can look and feel confident, poised, and professional with minimal effort.