Happy July 4th! Our American forefathers declared their independence from Great Britain in 1776, and today we declare our unique independence as well. We proudly call it our Uniform Independence.
We believe physicians have a right to look and feel amazing. High-powered attorneys and business executives spend thousands of dollars on professional attire to look their best. Why shouldn't you look your best, too?
We believe that unisex is an unacceptable word. Wearing anything unisex is the modern-day equivalent to wearing a potato sack - unprofessional, frumpy, and far from flattering. It's why Medelita lab coats and scrubs are gender-specific, designed to fit well and exude professionalism.
We believe that your uniform should work FOR you. You have an important job, and the last thing you should be worrying about are stains - coffee, sweat, blood, or otherwise. You shouldn't be thinking about how your scrub top is cut too low or how your lab coat makes you feel like a child in your father's jacket.
What do you believe? Share with us - and declare your own Uniform Independence.